Loved this - and I listened to the audio which made it even better for me. Definitely something I might try out.

So many pearls of wisdom, thank you.

And I’m a variety-lover too (with interior design one of my multi-hyphenate strings to my bow as well). Creativity requires variety! I think more people could benefit from the same approach.

Just starting my Substack journey so thanks for all this. Such a soothing voice for a Sunday morning 🥰 Kate x

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Ahh thanks so much for listening, Kate! I love to know when someone has listened to a post and I’m thrilled to hear that it helped kick off your Sunday in a soothing way! Enjoy your Substack journey - there’s definitely no formula, I say do what feels good for you ✨

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Preach! Fantastic Hannah! Everything here is 👍👍 in my eyes. Haven’t got much more to comment so I won’t, but thanks for writing this.

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Thanks Sarah! ☺️

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That’s given me a kick, in the nicest possible way. We all go through slumps. I have taken a very laid back approach to Substack. Now I need to start telling myself to give it a boost 😘😘😘

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Happy to be helpful, Jo! Although of course there’s no ‘right’ way to do it, these are just my observations so far xx

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I just came across this piece and loved it. I've got so sick of articles explaining how someone makes a 6-figure income from substack, only to reveal that they've worked as a journalist for Vogue/The Guardian/NYT for two decades! Or are Patty Smith :D

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Hi Susannah! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and I'm really pleased this resonated. That's kind of why I wrote it. There are SO many ridiculous pieces out there but my journey has been slow, steady, intentional and nothing ground breaking at all! But, I've loved every moment of it and learned so much along the way. Please shout if I can help with anything.

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Thank you! I feel like what you've achieved could actually be achieveable for me <3 Which makes it so much more motivating. I'd definitely need to start posting more regularly though - I started last summer and post every 2-3 weeks, which probably isn't enough really!

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Ah, I see! I haven’t joined anything like that before but can see how it might be useful. Good luck with it all ☺️

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I think you have to find a rhythm that works for you, but I also think your audience need to be reminded that you’re there. Perhaps going for a minimum of every 2 weeks is a good start with the view to increasing a little if you can?

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Yeah, 3 weeks is a bit too long really. I'm working fewer hours than I was in November/December - but then again I also want to spend time on the book I'm writing. Too many projects! I was wondering whether joining a substack writer's group would be helpful - did you do anything like that?

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I went to a writing group once, very early on, which was nice and helpful, but I often just find snippets of time here and there or jot ideas on my phone, then sit down and get them written before my self imposed deadline - for me I always publish on a Sunday on Substack. It sounds like you’ve got lots of exciting stuff going on!

I actually run a monthly creative online session for my paid subs which several people use for writing. The next one is on Monday at 7pm in case it’s of interest.

More info here: https://chezhanny.substack.com/p/new-year-new-ideas

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Thank you, it sounds lovely but it's not something I need at the moment. I was more thinking of a group where people discuss/share their writing, maybe with some newsletter growth tips added in (rather than actually writing at the same time). Maybe I'll find something over the next year :)

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Brand new to substack and learning the ropes - this was so helpful, thank you!

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Hi Kenzie,

Thanks so much for reading and I'm pleased it was helpful. Welcome to Substack! I love it here😊

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Thank you for the uplifting read, Hannah. I particularly needed to hear this, "Some pieces of writing are ‘popular’ and some aren’t, but that doesn’t mean nobody reads them." 🙌

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Thanks so much for reading Lani and I'm happy you found what you needed to hear. I probably need to return to this post and take some of my own advice 😂

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Le sigh. Day by day, right?

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This is a lovely read. I have to admit, I've been avoiding looking at the back end of Substack, but I'll dive in. Thank-you for this post and I love your style!

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Thank you for reading Shaunte and welcome! Happy to help with any Substack related questions I might be able to answer and help with 💫

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Thank you for writing this. Your words and warm voice have given me the courage to begin my Substack; I’ve been struggling to think of a witty/enthralling/original theme but now I see I just need to be me..!

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This makes me so happy to read, Wendy! Consider me subscribed - your bio mentions so many things I love 🍷🥘 🎨🇫🇷 and sounds right up my street. I look forward to reading more 😊

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✨This is a wonderful read. I made me feel a lot better. I’ve never thought of collabs, or what a collab could look like for me, but I’ll remain open. Thank-you!✨

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Thanks for reading Shaunte and I'm happy it was helpful for you. Collabs can be very fulfilling and fun and will often bring your work to a new audience 😊

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"Some pieces of writing are ‘popular’ and some aren’t, but that doesn’t mean nobody reads them." -- love this encouragement!

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Thanks so much for reading/listening Nancy.

I so strongly stand by this idea of writing what is important to you. Sometimes it resonates hard with others and sometimes silence, but it doesn't really matter because it's about getting those words down!

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I genuinely have no idea what I’m doing but this was a great start for me .I haven’t written anything yet but this has made the start not quite so daunting-another ex teacher also a PT and I’m inspired by the multi hyphenate idea.Thank you

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Hi Louisa, I’m so pleased this is helpful for you. I rarely have a clue what I’m doing either 😂 but I just try to go with the flow and follow my instincts. Good luck with your journey, I’m excited for you about where it might lead you ✨

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Thank you so much

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This is so v helpful fantastic thankyou for this-will read fully and a hope to apply to my writing

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Thanks, Hannah, this is great. I keep hearing that ideally, you want to focus on one or a couple of things to write about. Then I read your piece and loved the part on writing about different things and mundane things. That's how I like to see and read pieces here on Substack. It creates a feeling of talking to a friend.

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I honestly just write about what I feel compelled to share and try not to worry about themes etc. Not everything gets the same reception but I don’t really care and am just happy to get the words down. I absolutely agree with you about creating that feeling of talking with a friend. That’s a lovely way to put it.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting Biljana ☺️

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Great post!

I really love the money part, because its true. Only people that been doing it for a while makes a good amount. Same goes for pretty much everything, youtube, twitch among others.

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Thanks so much for reading Jezz 😊

I try to be as realistic as possible when thinking about different income streams and make sure there are a few viable sources. Of course, I'm very happy if one of them grows in a way I didn't expect but I won't bank on it happening quickly!

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Thanks Hannah for the down to earth review on how to get started as a writer and on substack. I think what you have written is what I needed to get going with. I like the fact taht you have done started your own only a year back, so your notes are for real and not just theory. I have written a couple of pieces on substack but what to do next. So, thanks for the shove in the right direction

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Thanks for reading/listening Nick and I'm pleased it's helpful! I started writing here at the beginning of August 2023 and it's been a great journey so far. I hope you can get into a flow with it and enjoy your journey too. Best of luck with it all and do shout if I can help with anything.

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