Feb 3Liked by Maria Hanley, Hannah Ashe

Saved to listen this weekend 🤩

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Feb 1Liked by Maria Hanley, Hannah Ashe

Thanks for sharing your experiences Maria about teaching. The pandemic certainly was a big catalyst for me in my own decision to leave the profession. But as you said, 'never say never' about returning (I say this as I am doing some supply/cover teaching myself). Good luck with the novel!

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Thank you so much for listening, Sarah! This road of life is winding, isn't it? I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that I'd rather be writing than teaching right now, and that's what I'll go on as long as it feels right. Good luck to you, as well. Looking forward to checking out your Substack.

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Feb 1Liked by Maria Hanley, Hannah Ashe

Thank you. Similar to you, I have realised that I want to continue following what feels right and my energy generally. As I do feel better for it!

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