1. A lack of interruption;

2. A window to natural greenery and a blue (okay, cloudy) sky;

3. Did I mention a lack of interruption?

I'm thankful to have the window. The other two... Work in progress. 😆

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Yes, a lack of interruption is a highly sought after thing! Good luck!

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Excited for CE coming back! Looking forward to it.

I like the new bits you’ve bought, ready and waiting to be used ❤️

I love the progress pictures. What a great idea, to document the change. Hope to see the new studio at CE soon!

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Looking forward to seeing you at CE next week!

I've just heard from the carpet fitters that they can come next Tuesday because we're ready for it earlier than planned so I may even be in there by next week! Let's see. I love buying bits and pieces for the home but have had to curb this a little over the past year due to ££!

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Oh! I’m very excited to see the end result of your studio!

For me, my creative space is also our living room, and i’m always making sure it has plenty of books, colors and disco balls. They make me happy and keep me inspired!

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I love the idea of a disco ball in a creative space! And definitely lots of colour too.

Can't wait to share more as it develops 🧡

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Lovely mood board. It’s so important to have a space you love to create in. I’m currently on the dining room table, but I have plans for a studio.

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Thanks JP! We've managed to get tickets to visit Monk's House (where Virginia Woolf lived) on Saturday afternoon and it includes a tour of her writing lodge. I'm hoping to get some inspiration and maybe also a visit to some of the antique shops in Lewes.

I look forward to seeing you studio plans progress in time too!

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My three things are 1. A view out of the window. It doesn’t matter what, different views give me different ideas and thoughts. I love your view over the rooftops and gardens. I look over the garden & trees and in my study (read junk room) old houses. 2. Somewhere comfortable to sit when I get tired or fed up. Hopefully minus Mildred who has taken up residence in the comfortable chair. 3. Like you plants. I love plants, but often struggle to keep them alive 🥺. Books, drawing things, and loads of other bits of rubbbish 😘😘

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I'm with you on all three of those things Jo! The window is definitely what I'm most excited about, but I also have lots of other bits of rubbish that I somehow need around me.

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