I too am new to Substack and feel quite overwhelmed by the talent here sometimes. I think the only way to go is write from the heart, and like you say, don't compare yourself with others or get distracted by what they're saying. Stay true to yourself, enjoy the writing and your community will eventually find you.

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Thanks for reading and commenting, Jane!

It’s taken me a long time to come to this realisation of not comparing myself to others. When I was younger I did this too much and it was a factor in giving up on some of my creative practices then. Life experience has helped me to understand that I do have something to say and to try to trust in that instinct. It’s hard!

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A timely invitation to lift as we climb, Hannah. Thank you for these words today. When I first reached out and suggested a collaboration on Substack with a writer I'd admired for a while (the brilliant Caro Giles who wrote the memoir Twelve Moons, and who publishes Unschooled here on Substack) I felt all the impostery feelings only to be reminded that we are all just people, seeking meaningful connection. That connection lives on beyond our video conversation and also brought other writers and readers into my orbit, too.

Today, Sarah Roberston shared a post on her Substack, Brand Stories, that she'd invited me to collaborate on, and it's such a thrill to see our words side by side. I don't know anywhere else on the internet where this is possible. Hooray for Substack, and let's keep talking.x

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The connections and conversations are the true joy of Substack, for sure! I’m excited to chat more to you Lindsay ✨

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Thanks for the mention Hannah! I can so relate to it being scarier for people you know to read your work. I also started to feel a bit more self conscious about pressing publish after my publication was featured and I had an influx of subscribers! Since then people have been dropping off which is hard not to take personally. But I’m trying to detach from the numbers and remember why I enjoyed it here in the first place, and a lot of that why you have beautifully summarised. The connection and collaboration ❤️

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I’m fully expecting the numbers to drop too, but I’m trying to focus more on finding the right audience for this community. Quality over quantity is what we have to remember!

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Love this Hannah! So true what you say about sharing with people you don’t know being easier than those that you do. I’ve only recently started writing on Substack. I shared it on my facebook page to little fanfare, or “what’s a Substack?” I did acquire a couple of subscribers. Maybe it’s the wrong audience. There are considerable differences between the two platforms. I’ve tired of seeing countless “I’m on the p*ss again” selfies, etc. I crave more Sub-stance. See what I did there?! 😝

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Haha I love it! Yes, I shared a couple of my posts on instagram and have had a few people subscribe here but I think most don’t know what it is, and I can’t really be bothered to spend time explaining. I didn’t bother mentioning it on Facebook as I feared that would be even worse!

Sharing with friends and family feels scary to begin with but actually now that I have, it’s so nice to have their support. I guess we’re being very honest which always feels a little terrifying?

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Hannah Ashe

This is SO awesome Hannah! Congratulations on being featured and having a such massive growth spurt in your readership. Thank you so much for the mention as well! I’m inspired by how you have grown your substack without telling anyone close to you in the beginning and just growing it organically through communicating with other writers on the platform. I look forward to reading your writing every week and you’ve inspired me to lean into my multi-hyphen life.

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Full credit to you in this process, Reid, as I really enjoy our conversations. It's all of those kinds of connections that have allowed this to grow in the way that it has so far.

I really do believe in going with the flow and seeing what happens!

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I am so glad you decided to write Hannah, I really enjoy reading them you are definitely not a fraud! I am really looking forward to meeting you at Tanya and Emma’s retreat x

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Thanks for your kind words, Jo. That’s so exciting that you’re going to Emma and Tanya’s retreat. I can’t wait to meet you too! x

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And while I'm here, I'm going to share this post from Kat River and Claire Venus today, calling out for writers and creators on here that we would love to promote. Another beautiful opportunity to celebrate others!


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Thanks - I will have a look at this!

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