Jul 8Liked by Hannah Ashe

Well, this is the first post I’ve read of yours Hannah, but you’ve won me over - happy to be one of those who helps you get to 1000! Your story really resonated with me and gave me hope that I’m not crazy to think about giving up my salary to do something that brings me more joy. I’m at the start of my creative journey but I think it’ll be another 12-18 months before I’m able to give up my full time job. Hopefully this time next year I’ll be doing some similar reflection to you 🤞

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Thanks so much for reading and subscribing Holly. Welcome! 🙏🏻

I hope you find lots more inspiration here. I’m so excited for you that you’re embarking on a creative journey. You are absolutely not crazy. Life is too fleeting for us to continue doing things that we don’t enjoy and, although it takes a while, acknowledging it within yourself is the first step.

Congratulations for having the realisation and I’m sending you all the strength and confidence to go and live your creative dreams ✨

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Loved reading your post and can’t wait to discover more ! Thanks also for following me 🙂 Your words resonate with me as I’ve decided to reduce my job to a half-time since the beginning of June in order to pursue a creative career and develop my small business as an illustrator (and writing here!). It was really interesting to read about your journey afterna year! Money will be less good for me too, but I’m already so much more aligned with who I am now 🙏🏻 Love the concept of work-liday, I’m thinking about it too as I have more free time. Have a great month in France !

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Thanks so much for reading, Emy! I think we have a lot in common. I’ve certainly learned that money is not what drives me. Obviously I have to make sure I earn enough to get by but I am finding so much joy in other things that I don’t mind the sacrifice.

I can’t wait to spend a month in France! I will write about the workliday and am interested to see how it works out.

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Well done Hannah, very brave decision in the first place - and inspiring too. You have to let go of the old to make room for the new - as I am learning all the time. Really enjoying your musings, particularly this one! 👏

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Thanks so much Simon! 🙏🏻

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So inspired by what you have achieved in a year. I find it hard to keep going on things when I don’t have the accountability of a day job to help me get out of bed. Def be proud if how you have used that year!

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Thanks so much Catriona. I do find it hard to motivate myself occasionally, but I try to remind myself of what it was like when I was back in my old job and I’m soon given the injection of energy that I need!

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Your article is such an inspiration! Keep going and do the things that light you up 🩷

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Thank you Rosie! Your words of encouragement mean a lot ✨

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I really mean it…just starting out with a new career and I definitely know how scary it feels to do so and reading your story just gives me the confidence to move along with grace, knowing that everything will work out for me!

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Sending you all the confidence and fearlessness to go for it. Life is to short not to try 🙌🏻

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Yes, you’re right! Thank you for the confidence boost 💪🌸🩷

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You know, the other thing I find about making things for yourself and to gift is that it really helps me to actually do it. I love painting little things for friends and family.

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Yes! The birthday of a family member or friend is the perfect deadline

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Oooh, pottery is on my list too! Thank you for the mention, Hannah. While it does take courage to step off the treadmill, I think we use up far more energy and resilience if we remain on it. Many of us reach a point where we can't NOT do life our way; where finding our 'something more' becomes imperative. Congratulations on your one-year anniversary - you're certainly making your (delightful and creative) mark here on Substack. I'm glad to know you. x

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Stepping off the treadmill was the best thing I ever did. Talking to you all of those months ago was quite pivotal, I think. So many of your words have stayed with me. So thank you! I’m very glad to know you too and I hope you can find a pottery course so we can compare notes! x

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Let's definitely do that! x

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Jul 7Liked by Hannah Ashe

Love this, Hannah! Congratulations on a year of having left your old job, and nearly a year on here! I like that your measure of success isn’t just down to the money. You’ve achieved so much!

I’ve really enjoyed your work and the Create Ensemble 🙌🏼❤️ x

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Thanks so much, Naomi.

This year has made me realise more than ever that money isn’t my definition of success. Of course, I need to make sure I have enough, but there are so many richer things to discover in life!

I’ve loved connecting with you on here and through Create Ensemble. I’m excited to return to it in August and hope to see you there ✨

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Wonderful and brave - that's what you are, Hannah. The stepping out of the comfort zone and into your own power - and holding on financially for a year - that takes real grit and determination 🧡.

I love your description of Substack as a gateway. I see it the same way. We are creating our future selves one post, one subscriber at a time.

I so look forward to where you take your creative dreams.

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Thank you Diana. This means so much to me. I’m so happy to have discovered you and your work here. Connection is the fundamental joy of this platform for me.

Holding on financially for a year feels like a milestone. It’s given me the belief that I can do this.

Last night I went out for drinks with my old colleagues. It was wonderful to see them and catch up but I felt like such a different person compared with me 12 months ago. All in a good way, of course!

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I always love reading your letters Hannah and I resonate so much with your words. I feel like I had woken up after half my life climbing a corporate career ladder. The word I feel sums up this season for me would be freedom. Congratulations on your year anniversary 💛💛

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Thanks so much Emily! I’m so happy we have connected via this platform as we get further into our creative exploration.

Freedom is a great word and I agree that it absolutely sums up your season right now 💪🏻

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Sep 28Liked by Hannah Ashe

I'm so inspired by this post, I can't wait to read more ❤️

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So happy you enjoyed it Jenny! You might enjoy this one too: https://chezhanny.substack.com/p/100-things-ive-learned-since-starting

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Thank you, I'm going to read it now 🙌

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I was curious to meet you after you followed me, and I'm so glad I have! It seems like we have embarked on similar journeys - teachers who've left our jobs in the UK to find new ways of living on the European continent! But you are a good way ahead of me with your writing, and already inspiring me with what I've found here.

I have been toying with the idea of a podcast, as well as voicing my articles. I will take a listen to yours, and learn. Whoever said, 'those who can't, teach'? Seems to me that 'those who taught, absolutely can'!

Good luck with your new life in France - I'm going to stick around and find out more 😊

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Hi Michelle! I don’t (sadly) live in France (yet), I’m just here for an extended period part holiday/part work. But one day the dream is to be able to buy a place here. Your move to Portugal sounds so interesting and I’m going to have a read of your posts now. Let me know if I can help with anything podcast related and I hope you enjoy listening!

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Sounds like a wonderful way to work out if France is where you want to be, as well as informing those ideas of what home means, which has been my preoccupation since arriving here. I’m only now referring to where we live as ‘home’ in conversation with family, who still live back ‘home home’!

I would love to take you up on your kind offer regarding podcasting - I noted your email (!) and will follow up that way 😊

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Congratulations on being brave, and following your dreams!

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Thanks so much for reading and subscribing Caroline! ☺️

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I really enjoyed reading this, Hannah. Your story resonated with me as I gave up my salary last month to build a career development company.

It’s something that I enjoy and it’s giving me many opportunities to be more creative. I feel as though I’ve got a lot of energy for work now so I suspect it was the right decision.

I hope you have a wonderful time in France!

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so good to jump into the future 11 months an see what might be possible. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

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Jul 15Liked by Hannah Ashe

A fascinating read - I gave up teaching 23 years ago to write and style for magazines, I never look back - occasionally think 'oh it would be fun to help with the school play', but I have had the opportunity to help with community events instead, which I have loved just as much. I am now seriously contemplating a leap from writing to painting, my first love, but feeling quite scared so will definitely subscribe to you!!

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This is wonderful to read and so good to hear a long-term success story from someone who left the teaching profession too.

How exciting that you are making a new switch to painting - I believe completely in doing what you love, so I am championing you and this new leap! ✨

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